- In most cases the cause of hypospadias is not known. It can be thought of as an incomplete closure of the urinary channel, which has happened by chance.
- Only some types of hypospadias, generally the more severe types, are part of a group of other abnormalities. These will need tests to find out more information.
- About a quarter of all boys with hypospadias will have others in the family who have the same problem.
- If a father has a hypospadias, the probability of his son being born with it is about 7%.
- If one son has a hypospadias, the chance that a sibling will have it is higher, about 10%.
- If both father and sibling have a hypospadias, the chance of a second sib being born with one is about 20%.
- There is no known way to prevent a hypospadias, nor is there a clear causative factor. You could have done nothing to prevent your son’s hypospadias. Neither parent should feel responsible for this.